Alumni Newsletters
2023-24 [PDF]
- Tribute to Professor Emeritus Bruce Hannon (1934-2024)
- "Understanding the Future through the Land Around Us" with Prof. Chunyuan Diao
- GGIS Class of 2023-24
- Zona Hrnjak (BS '24) maps and cycles across the country with Illini 4000
- New faculty profile: Dr. Sofía Zaragocín
- Roepke Undergraduate Research Scholars
- Jason Segal (BS '23) and Tiffany Chen (BS '24)
- Graduate Student Honors and Awards
- New Graduate Students

- Roepke Research Scholars
- Dr. Shaowen Wang named College of LAS Associate Dean
- Welcome from Department Head Dr. Julie Cidell
- Dr. Matthew Anderson (PhD '12) receives Distinguished Alumnus Award
- Congratulations Class of 2022-23!
- Alumna Spotlight: Shannon Happ (BS '12)
- Alumni Spotlight: Dr. Eric Shook (MS '10, PhD '13)
- New Faculty members: Dr. Jida Wang; Dr. Umar (PhD '17)
- Faculty Awards & Honors
- Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Bruce Rhoads, "River Runner"
- Graduate Student Spotlight: Marina Moscoso Arabía
- Graduate Student Awards & Honors
- New Graduate Students
- Office Administrator Matt Cohn receives LAS Staff Award

- Distinguished Alumni Awardees Return to Campus
- Wayne Koonce (BA, '71) and Dr. Michael Widener (BA, '07)
- Note from the Department Head Prof. Shaowen Wang
- Remembering Dr. Arthur Getis (1934-2022)
- GGIS Class of 2021-22
- Alumni Spotlight: Charles Fogelman (PhD, '17) Wins on Jeopardy!
- Alumna Perspective: Imelda K. Moise (MS, ’07; PhD, ’12; MPH, UIS, ’15)
- Career Conversations - Alumni Share Job Experiences and Advice with Current Students
- Kevin Berg (MA, '12), Samuel James (BS, '19; ESES and GGIS), Esther Lin (BS, '21) Valerie Nelson (BS, '22)
- Roepke Study Abroad Scholarship: Jackie Shon (BS, '21)
- New Faculty Members: Marynia Kolak and Raechel Portelli
- Faculty News and Honors: Alvarado, Cidell, Kolak, Sivapalan, Wang
- Graduate Student Awards
- Graduate Student Spotlight: Wataru Morioka
- New Graduate Students: Mandela Gadri, Wei Hu, Marina Moscoso
- Field Research Postcards from PhD Candidate Nina Roberts

- CyberGIS Center to host new $15M I-GUIDES Institute
- Celebrating Dr. Sara McLafferty's Retirement
- Note from Department Head Prof Shaowen Wang
- 2021 Distinguished Alum: William A.V. Clark (PhD, 1964)
- Alumni Career Conversations with Sam James (BS, '19) and Adam Camp (BS, '19)
- GGIS Class of 2020-21
- Alumna Spotlight: Darla Munroe (PhD, 2000)
- Faculty News & Awards: Chunyuan Diao, David Wilson
- Roepke Undergrad Research Scholars: Piper Siblik, Zimo Xiao
- Graduate Student Spotlight: Fikriyah Winata
- New Graduate Student Profiles

Fall 2020
- CyberGIS Center Creates COVID-19 Tracking Platform
- Alexander Graduate Fellowship Fund
- Note from Department Head Prof. Shaowen Wang
- GGIS Class of 2019-2020
- Alumna Perspective: Dr. Janey Messina (MS, 2008)
- Alumna Spotlight: Robin (Graff) Goettel (BA, '78; EdM, '03)
- The Gardens of a Lifetime - Jim Bier (MS, '57)
- New Faculty Profiles
- Faculty News & Awards
- Ezekiel Kalipeni, 1954-2020
- PSM / New Faculty Advisors
- Graduate Student Spotlight: Aida Guhlincozzi
- New Graduate Students
- Illinois GIS Day 2019
- Roepke Undergraduate Scholarship Recipients

Fall 2019
- Breaking New Ground in Geospatial Data Science
- 2019 Early Career Distinguished Alumnus - Kory Konsoer (PhD, 2014)
- Alumni Awards and Honors
- Alumni News & PhD Graduate Placements
- Alumni Profile: Ivan Gamboa (BA, 2002)
- Faculty Awards & Honors: Cidell, Cienciala, Diao, Sivapalan
- Faculty Promotion: Brian Jefferson | New Faculty Profile: Mark Lara
- Professor Ezekiel Kalipeni Retires
- In Memoriam: Marilyn O'Hara Ruiz (BA, 1982; MA, 1985)
- Graduate Student Spotlight: Daniel Gonzalez
- New Graduate Students; Graduate Student Awards & Honors
- "Geography and Ecology in the Exclusion Zone" by April Wendling (BS, 2019)
- Alumni Reunion in the French Quarter
- Roepke Scholarship Recipients

Fall 2018
- Department receives Candace Penn Frame (BS, '72) Endowment
- Pacific Northwest Summer Field Course
- Letter from Department Head: Prof. Shaowen Wang
- Letter from outgoing Director of Undergraduate Studies: Prof. Julie Cidell
- Alumni Achievement Award: Dr. Marc Armstrong
- Dr. Mei-Po Kwan Receives AAG Stanley Brunn Award for Creativity in Geography
- Dr. Bruce Rhoads Elected AAG Fellow
- Faculty Promotion: Dr. Julie Cidell
- Faculty Awards & Honors
- Emeritus Faculty Updates
- Graduate Student Profile: Arrianna Planey
- Graduate Student Awards & Honors
- New Graduate Students
- PSM in GIS Program Update

Fall 2017
- Greetings from the Natural History Building!
- Dr. Janice Monk Receives Inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award
- Letters from Dr. Shaowen Wang & Dr. Sara McLafferty
- Prof. Sivapalan Receives Alfred Wegener Medal
- Dr. Piotr Cienciala's EELS Lab Launches New Stream Habitat Field Site
- Political Ecology Symposium to Honor Prof. Tom Bassett
- New Faculty Profile: Dr. Chunyuan Diao
- Graduate Student Profile: Yoo Min Park
- Prof. Jim Best - Piracy on the Slims River
- Faculty Honors and Awards
- Professional Science Master's in GIS - Class of 2017 Internships, Welcome Class of 2018
- New Graduate Student Profiles, Fall 2016 & Fall 2017 cohorts
- In Memoriam: Prof. John Thompson
- Student Awards and Scholarships
- Staff Updates: Susan Etter Retires
Fall 2016
- Professor Kwan Awarded Guggenheim Fellowship
- Natural History Building Renovation Update
- Letter from Dr. McLafferty
- Graduate Student Profile: Melissa Heil
- Exchange Program Established with Heidelberg University Institute of Geography
- Professor Bassett Retires
- Exploring Cities, Crime, and Space with Dr. Jefferson
- New Faculty Profiles: Shakil Kashem & Piotr Cienciala
- Howard Roepke Undergraduate Scholarship Profiles
- Evans and Judith Mank Undergraduate Scholarship
- Professional Science Master's in GIS - Class of 2017
- New Graduate Student Profiles
Fall 2015
- Geography & GIS Earns Top National Ranking
- Cities and Metropolitan Areas Graduate Specialization
- Messina Stanley Graduate Scholarship
- Celebrating 25 Years of the Regional Economics Applications Lab (REAL)
- Cities of the World - City Profiles
- Faculty Research Updates: Bruce Rhoads, Jonathan Greenberg, and Mei-Po Kwan
- Faculty Promotion: Trevor Birkenholtz
- New Faculty Profile: Brian Jefferson
- Graduate Student Profile: Pronoy Rai
- New Graduate Student Profiles
- Howard Roepke Research Scholarship Profiles

Spring 2014
- Memories of Davenport Hall
- iGIScience Symposium
- Dr. Jim Best: Surveying floods on the Mekong River
- New Faculty Profiles: Trevor Birkenholtz and Mei-Po Kwan
- Faculty Promotions: Ashwini Chhatre, Heath Robinson, and Shaowen Wang
- Graduate Student Profile: Michael Minn
- New Graduate student introductions
- Roepke Study Abroad Scholarship profiles: Stephanie Mundis and Russell Pildes
- In memoriam: Professor Donald Lee Johnson
Winter 2013
- Departmental name change
- Howard and Ruth Roepke Scholarships
- Faculty Profile: Dr. Ezekiel Kalipeni
- Faculty Promotions: Jesse Ribot and Julie Cidell
- Graduate Student Profile: April Colette
- New Faculty/Staff: Heath Robinson and Matt Cohn
- Faculty Research: Dr. Shaowen Wang's CIGI Lab and CyberGIS
- New Graduate Student Introductions
- Class Notes
Winter 2011
- Professor Jesse Ribot: Responsive Forest Governance Initiative (RFGI)
- Discipline Profile: Geographic Information Science (GIS)
- Mississippi River flooding
- Faculty Promotions: Professors Colin Flint and Shaowen Wang
- PhD Program receives high rating
- Fulbright Grants awarded: Hal Fischer and Richelle Bernazzoli
- Professor Tom Basset: Atlas of World Hunger
- Graduate Student Profiles: Eric Shook and Charles Fogelman
- New Graduate Student Introductions
Fall 2010
- Stephanie Baglia's Special Undergraduate Research on the Environment (SURE) Grant
- 'Green' building research
- Professor Chhatre receives NSF Award
- New Staff Profile: Susan Houston
- Professors Thorn and Hannon retire
- Research Profile: Miriam Cope
- Faculty Profile: Professor Sivapalan
- Graduate Student Profile: Richelle Bernazzoli
- Alumni Proflie: Tony Adduci
- New Graduate Student Introductions
Fall 2009
- Professors Rhoads and Best study the Mackey Bend Cutoff Channel
- Professor Colin Flint becomes Director of ACDIS
- Professor Jesse Ribot launches Social Dimensions of Environmental Policy (SDEP)
- Professor Kalipeni receives promotion
- Bronze Tablet recipients: Alexander Beata and Frances Levy
- Welcome: Susan Etter
- Faculty Profile: Ashwini Chhatre
- Graduate Student profile: Shane Csiki
- Professor Shaowen Wang receives NSF Award
- Alumni Profile: Sam Batzli
- Undergraduate Student Profile: Sam Adduci
- New Graduate Student Introductions
Summer 2008
- Geography Department joins the School of Earth, Society and Environment
- Center for Water as a Complex Environmental System (CWACES)
- Creation of Geographic Information Science program
- David Wilson publishes Cities and Race
- Student profile
- Amy Schultz
- Graduate Student Profile
- Betsy Beymer
- New Faculty Introductions: Ashwini Chhatre, Julie Cidell, Shaowen Wang
- West Lakes AAG Meeting
- Professor Tom Bassett's Clothing Mapping project
- Tom Frank retires