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Kei Kato


Kei (pronounced kay-ee) is a Ph.D. student in Geography from Japan. He broadly seeks to understand the various ways in which the ocean, its more-than-human inhabitants, and human societies interact. Drawing on interdisciplinary bodies of literature such as human-environment interaction, environmental humanities, decolonial geographies, settler colonial studies, and critical urban studies, his dissertation specifically investigates the role of ocean governance in the settler colonialization of U.S. cities in the 21st century. 


Photo credit: Keita Yasui

Research Interests

  • human-environment interactions 人間・自然関係論
  • political ecology 政治生態学
  • environmental humanities 環境人文学
  • critical ocean studies 批判的海洋研究
  • urban geographies 都市地理学
  • settler colonialism 入植者植民地主義
  • racial capitalism 人種資本主義
  • qualitative methodologies and methods 質的方法論および調査法


  • M.A. in Geography, Ohio University (Athens, Ohio, USA), 2019
  • B.A. in Anthropology, International Christian University (Tokyo, Japan), 2017

Awards and Honors

Nicholson Fellowship, Unit for Criticism & Interpretive Theory, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2024)


Courses Taught

Graduate Teaching Assistant

GGIS 104: Social and Cultural Geography (2023 Fall)
GGIS 254: People, Places, and Environments of the US (2024 Spring)